Sunday, July 22, 2012

Say Anything {5}

What I Do When I Hit A Book Slump

It happens to everyone at one point in time... you read a super amazing book, and just as you finish and scan your bookshelves for your next read... nothing looks good! Or maybe it's not even that nothing looks good, but that you just can't get into the book you've chosen!

I've been there so many times, and each time seems to be more frustrating than the last!

I know some bloggers keep a schedule of books to read, so they already know ahead of time what book is next. I can't get myself on that type of schedule, because different times call for different genres! For example, right now I'm reading 3 books of completely different genres! A historical romance - Outlander by Diana Gabaldon;  Contemporary Romance - Bed of Roses (The Bride Quartet #2) by Nora Roberts; and YA Paranormal - Shade (Shade #1) by Jeri Smith-Ready. Each was randomly chosen, and each fulfill a different craving at this time.

So what happens when no matter what, nothing sounds good? I take a break. That's the best thing to do. Step back, assess the sitch, and wait for a book to call out to you. If nothing you personally own is doing it for you, hit up the library!

So what are your tips for overcoming a book slump?

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I get into a book slump, when I do though I try to switch it up, I'll try to read something I wouldn't normally pick up. Or I try something different... I close my eyes and stretch out my hand and whatever book I pick up off my shelf is the one I'll read =)

    Ange @ Moonlight Reader


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